The photo below will put a chill through your caravaning spine. This is why many people buy their caravans with a recycle air conditioner included in the package:

The main factors that determine speed when towing a caravan are:
1. The human brain of the driver and,
2. The pressure of the foot on the accelerator.
Speed and fuel consumption are definitely correlated as explain in this excellent article from Australian Business Auto.
My personal rule is not to exceed 90kph on the open highway and I find that not only is fuel consumption considerably lower than driving at 100kph but I also use my brakes much less.
The other reason I drive at this speed is because I am hoping to spare my grandchildren the trauma to dramatic climate change.
Driving at 90kph definitely reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Geoff Cooper provides compelling reasons for visiting the Yarra Valley in the Winter 2009 edition of Selector Life-Food-Wine.
His article, titled Collateral Damage, refers to the significant effects that the Black Saturday fires has had on businesses in the Yarra Valley. Here are some of his observations:
“Healesville, the hub of the Yarra Valley, has boomed over the last 15 years. On weekends, Main Street, has become our Lygon Street, with sidewalk cafes and wine bars burgeoning like the local vines in spring. Until February 9, parking in Healesville was at a premium, but since the fires the proverbial cannon could be shot along the street and not a car or tourist bus would be endangered.”
After the fires the media suggested that people should stay away. Unfortunately this is still the case and many businesses are now facing grave financial difficulties.
This is a lovely area to visit and there are some excellent Caravan Parks at Healesville and the surrounding area.
“People need to return to the Yarra Valley,” writes Geoff, “to breathe life back into the community before many of these small businesses simply disappear forever”.
So please consider a caravan trip to the Yarra Valley and support these endangered businesses.
Designed Rob Millington has come up with a very futuristic design for the caravan which he calls a motel on wheels. Read the full story at Autoevolution.
If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny. The police try to stop a caravan without success. Make sure you watch this through to the end.
I am grateful tothe World of Camping and Caravanning in the UK for alerting me to this video.